We Want Moore

Episode 50 - Do Rappers Have A Responsibility to Fix Their Communities?

Anthony Moore Episode 50

Sorry the slight delay dropping this one. 

This week’s starts off with Anthony reminiscing about the memories of listening to Pharcyde with his dad before the conversation shifts to working out at gyms like Planet Fitness and Blink (3:44). With this being the 50th episode, the guys share how this new journey of podcasting has been so far (6:51).

Anthony gives some announcements finally securing a new date for the Washington D.C. show on September 24th and also a small role in the movie Plan B set to be released on September 27th (9:50). Next the crew, answers some questions from the listeners starting off with “Is this a bad time to be an artist because of over saturation?” (12:09) 

The episode wraps with unpacking two things in music news: Sexyy Red announces a new line of lip gloss with some shocking names (24:50) and Dr. Umar says that Hip Hop hasn’t done anything to help the community (31:21) followed by the Tubi Movie of the Week (48:54).

Tubi Movie of the Week: Glo

Intro/Outro Song: Pharcyde - Passin’ Me By 

For Videos of the Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@AnthonyMooreComedy 

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